Project PArC-AVE
The project PArC-AVE (Physical Activity-related Health Competence in Apprenticeship and Vocational Education) adresses the issue of physical activity promotion in apprenticeship. Therefore, the primary aim of this project is the promotion of physical activity-related health competence (PArC) among apprentices in nursing care and automobile mechatronics.
To achieve this aim, two cooperative planning processes were realised in the first funding phase (2015-2018). These cooperative planning processes involved different relevant actors of science, policy and practice and succeeded in the development and implementation of PArC-based interventions and structural changes to promote physical activity in vocational education.
Beside the primary aim, the second funding phase (2018-2021) focuses on the following further aspects:
- transfer of cooperative planning processes into new settings;
- analysis of the relationship between the subjective perception of physical workload and PArC;
- long-term evaluation of PArC and structural changes in the settings of the first funding phase.
Target population:
Apprentices in nursing care and automobile mechatronics
Projekt goal:
Promotion of physical activity-related health competence
- Participatory development and implementation of physical activity-based interventions
- Cooperative development and implementation of structural measures to promote physical activity
Anticipated results:
- New findings in transferring cooperative planning processes
- New worksite health promotion programs developed with the participation of the target group and relevant actors
- Innovative concepts and transferable interventions to promote PArC
- Ensuring employability of apprentices
located at:
Project partners:
- AUDI AG, Ingolstadt
- Berufsbildungszentrum Gesundheit, Ingolstadt
- Berufliches Schulzentrum, Mühldorf am Inn
- Staatliche Berufsfachschule für Krankenpflege, München